The Postpartum Plan

Sleep Training After Infertility & Loss

Madison Fugere Season 1 Episode 70

On today's episode, Laurel Segal joins me to talk about sleep training and what that may look like after you have experienced loss and infertility. She shares a bit about her personal story and how she got into the perinatal space providing postpartum and sleep support to families with a focus on supporting families that have experienced infertility & loss.

Laurel Segal
Instagram: @theseagullnest
Facebook: @theseagullnestllc
Special Offer: Anyone who signs up for a 2+ sleep consultation as a result if this show will get a 10% discount. Just mentioned this podcast!

Let’s Stay Connected!
📞 Book a Sleep Connection Call: Struggling with your little one’s sleep? Let’s find the right solution for your family. Schedule your free call here.

📝 Create Your Postpartum Plan: Prepare for your postpartum journey with my 23-page digital guide. Get your copy on Etsy.

📬 Contact Me: Madison Fugere, Owner of Serene Moments LLC
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📸 Instagram: @Serene.Moments.LLC
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