The Postpartum Plan

Gender Creative Parenting: What Is It Really?

Madison Fugere Season 1 Episode 73

On today's episode, Rebecca Minor joins me to talk about Gender Creative Parenting: What Is It Really?

Rebecca delves into how parents can embrace and support a gender creative approach, allowing children the freedom to explore, play, and express themselves without strict adherence to gender norms. We clarify common misconceptions, emphasizing that gender creative parenting doesn't necessarily involve using they/them pronouns for your child; rather, it's about fostering an environment that celebrates all forms of expression. This conversation offers valuable insights for parents interested in nurturing their child's individuality in a supportive and open-minded way.

Rebecca Minor

Let’s Stay Connected!
📞 Book a Sleep Connection Call: Struggling with your little one’s sleep? Let’s find the right solution for your family. Schedule your free call here.

📝 Create Your Postpartum Plan: Prepare for your postpartum journey with my 23-page digital guide. Get your copy on Etsy.

📬 Contact Me: Madison Fugere, Owner of Serene Moments LLC
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