The Postpartum Plan

Early Communication

Madison Fugere Season 1 Episode 77

On today's episode, Adrian Tatro joins me to talk about Early Communication.

Adrian, a speech-language pathologist with seven years of experience in Early Intervention, discusses early communication skills in young children. She shares insights on what parents should look for in their child's development and how they can support their children in meeting communication milestones. We also talk about when it might be time to seek help and how using a Total Communication approach—whether through verbal speech, sign language, or other methods—can empower children and families alike.

Adrian Tatro

Let’s Stay Connected!
📞 Book a Sleep Connection Call: Struggling with your little one’s sleep? Let’s find the right solution for your family. Schedule your free call here.

📝 Create Your Postpartum Plan: Prepare for your postpartum journey with my 23-page digital guide. Get your copy on Etsy.

📬 Contact Me: Madison Fugere, Owner of Serene Moments LLC
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📸 Instagram: @Serene.Moments.LLC
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